martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

...SwitchYard contracts


When working with SwitchYard we have to define the contraccts for our services as well as for our component implementations. In order to define our contracts there is different ways, and different points, depending on:
  • Component implementation
  • Service binding

As we can see in the picture above, in a simple service we can find, at least, the following contracts:
  • Component contracts
    • Component service
    • Component reference
  • Composite contracts
    • Composite service
    • Composite reference
  • Binding contracts
    • Service Binding
    • Reference Binding

Component contracts

This is the contract a component exposes or uses, depending on whether it is a service or reference contract. A component contract can be defined in 3 different ways in SwitchYard:
  • Java. Using a Java interface.
  • WSDL. Using a port type in a wsdl file.
  • ESB. Using a virtual interface definition. (No real file will be used).
A component contract in SwitchYard has the following characteristics:
  • 0..1 argument. If used, this will be the message content. It is optional as there can be operations that don’t expect a message (REST GET, Scheduled operations,…​). Used in Exchanges of type IN_ONLY and IN_OUT.
  • 0..1 return type. If used, this will be the message content for the response. Used only in Exchanges of type IN_OUT.
  • 0..1 exceptions. If used, this will be the message content for the response if there is an Exception. Used in Exchanges of type IN_ONLY and IN_OUT.
Contracts in Camel can be defined with empty parameters, and you will still be able to work with the message contant. DO NOT RELY ON THIS

Java contract

A Java contract is defined by a Java Interface.

Java components require Java contracts.

WSDL contract

A WSDL contract is defined by a port type in a wsdl file.

ESB contract

An ESB contract is a virtual contract (no file required) that declares the types of the input, output and exception types.

This contract can only be used in components with one single operation.

Transformations between contracts

When a message flows in SwitchYard, and there is different types in the contracts on both ends of the "channel", a transformation must be done. There can be implicit or explicit transformations happening, depending on where they have to happen, and there are extension points to define how the transformation between types in contracts must happen.

Composite Service Binding and Composite Service / Composite Reference and Composite Reference Binding

Contract differences are handled in the ServiceHandlers when composing and decomposing the SwitchYard message.
Any difference in contracts must be handled in the Message composer.
Camel and Http MessageComposers will do Camel Implicit Transformations if required. If target type is JAXB, the class needs to have @XMLRootElement annotation.

Composite Service and Component Service / Component Reference and Composite Reference

Contract differences are handled by transformers defined in the composite application, which are applied by theExchangeHandler chain during the execution of the Exchange.
The transformers usually map from an origin type to a destination type.
When the Exchange is between a composite service and a component service:
  • In the IN phase, from is the argument’s type of the composite service and the to is the type in the component service.
  • In the OUT phase, from is the return/exception type of the component service and the to is the return/exception typein the composite service.
When the Exchange is between a component reference and a composite reference:
  • In the IN phase, from is the argument’s type of the component reference and the to is the type in the composite reference.
  • In the OUT phase, from is the return/exception type of the composite reference and the to is the return/exception typein the component reference.
There will be some implicit transformation happening (not need to declare a transformer) if SwitchYard supports automatic transformation between both types, as declared by CamelTransformer
As of SY 1.1.1, there is no implicit transformation for primitives types

Component Service and Component Reference

Contract differences are handled in the component implementation, and has to be explicitly transformed.

Special attention

  • If a Composite Service does not declare an interface, it will use the interface defined by the promoted Component Service
  • Every Component can have one Service
  • Binding name can be null. In this case, a binding name will be automatically generated with "ServiceName+BindingType+i"
  • When the input parameter of a service contract is empty, the message will not be change, it will be in it’s original form (e.g. for streaming bindings like HTTP, File,…​)

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