I’ve been recently asked this:
Our project recently switched to using RDBMS + JPA as the backend storage. As such, the distro ships with DDL that need to be installed in Wildfly/EAP. What would you recommend?
I think this is a very interesting question, so I’ll post the answer here. Of course, it’s open for discussion :-D
There are different options here, so I will summarize them.
When we talk about containers, one of the "advices" that are usually given is "1 process 1 container". As such, if you want to provide your application with an RDBMS you’ll end up with 2 processes (EAP/Wildfly and RDBMS), unless you use embedded H2, which is an in memory database, executed in the same process as the Application server.
Use H2 as RDBMS
H2 can be configured as an embedded in memory database server. This option only works if you don’t plan to use your application server (your projects really) in a clustered way, as data will be local to the application server.
When using H2 you can:
- Let Hibernate create the schema for you. This option works when you only have to create a database schema, but not populate it with data. If you have to do that, you’ll have to provide a way of creating this master data once the container is run, and only for the first time. At the end, if this is the case, it would be a hack. Anyway, from my point of view, not a recommended approach for containers.
- Precreate the schema using a DDL and also load the data. An option is to create the H2 database with the data at build time, and fed the application server with the H2 DB data files already created (schema + master data). This process of creating the database can be part of your build process. I personally don’t like it, but it works, and it seems an option for H2.
Use a full RDBMS (Mysql/Postgresql)
For this you need to have 2 containers, one for the EAP/Wildfly and another for the RDBMS. Again multiple options.
- Care only for your container. You have to prepare your application server with the appropriate RDBMS driver and datasource configuration, and configure it to inject the values through ENV variables at container creation time. This option is good, but you leave the user with a lot of boilerplate to do, as he’ll have to create the RDBMS container and load the DDL (schema + data). From my point of view, an option only if you provide with good instructions on how to do it.
- Plain docker orchestration (fig, docker-compose). Good option for single machine and to use and test your project. You have 2 containers (EAP/wildfly and RDBMS). Typically, you have to ensure that the RDBMS starts before the EAP/Wildfly process so the DDL is fully executed into the database. You can see an apiman example here. I like this approach, as you do both containers, and provide with a single command for the user to execute, but not very scalable, unless using docker-swarm.
- Kubernetes, OpenShiftv3 (The Red Hat way :-D). Good option to let people try the project on a PaaS, once v3 is available. (Free of charge on the OSE Online version). You will need for this to create all the pods, deploymentConfiguration,etc… required by Openshift. From my point of view, it will be the option in the coming months
Any of the options will work, but there are some constrains either on the build process (for H2) or on the runtime order (for orchestration). I like more the orchestrated containers option, although I have to admit that H2 is much easier and probably integrates better with the development process. On the other hand, the other options help you craft your project in such a way where you’ll be testing things like installation process, authentication, HA, … in a very early stage.
So in summary, a matter of taste.
Examples from the JBoss projects official site:
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