viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

...make JBDS faster for SwitchYard

While working with SwitchYard, JBoss Developer Studio can be a pain in the ass. Red Hat is working to provide some better user experience, but in the meantime, you can try some of these tips.

Increase heap memory

Eclipse needs a lot of memory, and maven and SwitchYard projects even more, so provide with a good amount of it to your eclipse. Modify jbdevstudio.ini in the appropiate section:
Provide a good amount of memory, so if you can give 3 or 4 GBs instead of 2 better.

Disable automatic updates

Faster startup time. You’ll update or check for updates whenever you want.
Preferences --> Automatic updates --> (Disable) Automatically find new updates and notify me

Disable auto build

If you build whenever you want, the project you want, then disable. If you have a big ammount of projects you can skip having eclipse doing background building all the time. If you have few projects, you can keep it.
Project --> Build automatically (Uncheck)

Refresh workspace on startup

If you don’t do things on command line, then your workspace should be refreshed. If you use git (command line) or maven (command line) maybe you want to keep it:
General -> Startup and shutdown -> Refresh workspace on startup (Enable)

Disable validations

If you there is a lot of background task processing gone on validating your project (due to any facet your project has, like JPA, …​)
Validation -> Suspend all validations (check)

Disable startup features not needed (FUSE, …​)

Use the fewer plugins needed for your work.
General -> Startup & shutdown ->  Plugins activated on Startup (Remove FUSE, Fabric8, JBoss Central, Forge UI, JBoss Tools reporting, Equinox autoupdate)

Disable XML Honour schemas

There is a known bug in JBDS and SwitchYard, so avoid it with:
XML -> XML Files -> Validation -> Honour all XML schema locations (uncheck)

Close JPA and EAR projects if not working on them

Every project that you have opened is both, eating resources and having to be check with the background tasks, so close them if not needed (as dependencies or at all)

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