The one problem, though, that I’ve constantly see is where to package your dependencies. We constantly fail to get the common classes used by many of the applications in a proper place.
Package common classes and model classes
If a class is going to be used by 2 or more SwitchYard applications, this class needs to be placed in a place where both applications will load it using the same classloader.
In a JEE world if the same class is loaded with different classloaders, it is not the same class. |
Let’s take for example an application consisting of 3 SwitchYard applications, 2 of them (Sy app 1 and Sy app 2) packaged in an .ear file and another one (Sy app 3) packaged as a jar. These applications use some common classes (JAXB model, Entity beans, utilities, BaseMessageComposers, …) that are packaged in two jar files, dependency A and dependency B.
If you have a request that initiated through Sy app 1 and calls to Sy app 2, you can safely use any class that is bundled in dependencyA or dependencyB, as long as for dependencyB you have a reference to the appropriate module (This dependency can be deployed either as a dynamic module, if left in the deployments folder, or as a static module, if registered as a module in modules folder). A reference to a module can be specified in the META-INF/MANIFEST file or in jboss-deployment-structure.xml file. (See JBoss documentation for how to do this).
If you have a requets that initiated through Sy app 1 and calls to Sy app 2, you can only use classes that are bundled in dependencyB for request object, otherwise you’ll most probably have a ClassCastException due to the class being loaded with two different class loaders. Any other use of classes from dependency A or B should be safe as long as it doesn’t use any object that is going from Sy app1 to Sy app 2, or viceversa, on the response path.
There are also some bugs in SY 1.1.1 (FSW 6.0) that raises some other similar and related problems, due to classloaders not properly propagated, and the incorrect use of some static code in serialization framework. |
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