viernes, 2 de enero de 2015

...How to automatically install JBoss Developer Studio 8 + Integration Stack

As I usually install JBDS and the Integration Stack several times in my machine or in virtual environments, I ended up creating a script to automate the installation process. There are two variants of the scripts, one forJBDS 7 and another for JBDS 8.
This script only requires that you have JBoss Developer Studio downloaded (as it is a protected download) and in the same location as the script, and it will then:
  • Install JBDS in the location you specify
  • Configure Java Runtime to use
  • Install JBoss Integration Stack (Full install of Integration tools)
To execute the script just run:
$ ./
These are the default values that will be used for the installation:
  • JBDS_BINARY - Current value=jboss-devstudio-8.0.0.GA-v20141020-1042-B317-installer-standalone.jar
  • INSTALL_PATH - Current value=/tmp/jbdevstudio
  • JAVA_HOME - Current value=/usr/java/latest
And can be specified, either by modifying the script (not recommended) or by setting the values in the shell, either exporting them:
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jvm/java7
$ export INSTALL_PATH=/home/jmorales/jbdevstudio8
$ ./
Or in the same line:
$ JAVA_HOME=/usr/jvm/java7 INSTALL_PATH=/home/jmorales/jbdevstudio8 ./
Now what is left is:
  1. Update automatically from JBDS 8 to JBDS 8.0.1 (Only available as update site)
  2. Update automatically the Integration Stack
  3. Install only the IS parts you want (SwitchYard for example)

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